What are the different types of dental cleanings?

There are four types of dental cleanings we perform in our office. The first type is prophylaxis, a regular basic cleaning for healthy gums. If we measure your gums and find no signs of disease, you'll receive a basic prophylaxis cleaning. The second type is for patients with some gum swelling, called gingivitis, where there is no bone loss, just slightly puffy gums. We perform a gingivitis cleaning to reduce swelling and restore gum health. The third type of cleaning addresses periodontal disease, a common condition characterized by bone loss, swollen gums, and sometimes bad breath. For this, we perform a deeper cleaning, known as scaling and root planing (SRP), often referred to as deep cleaning, to make it easier for patients to understand. This is the only type of cleaning we can perform if periodontal disease is present, as it addresses the issue directly. The fourth type of cleaning is periodontal maintenance, done every three to four months after periodontal disease treatment to ensure stability and prevent the disease from returning.

How often should I have my cleanings?

The answer depends on your oral health. If you are a healthy patient, cleanings every six months are sufficient. However, if you have a periodontal condition, meaning gum or bone disease, we need to see you every three to four months to ensure your gums and bone remain healthy and stable.

Are dental cleanings painful?

The answer is that they shouldn't be, especially with prophylaxis cleanings, which involve no pain. If you have periodontal disease, the disease itself is more painful due to the infection it causes, and cleaning helps resolve that pain. Post-treatment pain is usually mild, primarily sensitivity, because we clean beneath the gum line, which may cause slight sensitivity. However, during and after the procedure, you should not experience pain, only minor sensitivity.

How long does a typical dental cleaning take?

The duration varies. A regular cleaning, or prophylaxis, for healthy patients, takes about 30 to 40 minutes, as the hygienist spends time with you. For deeper cleanings, the duration depends on the severity of the disease. We can schedule it all at once or divide it into two appointments. Generally, it takes about one hour per session, whether it's a full-mouth session or divided into two one-hour appointments. Periodontal maintenance typically takes 40 to 45 minutes.

What happens during a teeth cleaning?

In the past, major surgeries involved cutting gums for deep cleanings, but that's no longer necessary. Today, we perform deep cleanings without causing significant discomfort. During your appointment, the hygienist will ensure your comfort. For a basic cleaning, your teeth will be cleaned, polished, and fluoride will be applied before you leave. For a deep cleaning, the hygienist will ensure you are numb and comfortable, then clean beneath the gum line to remove debris, bacteria, and infection. You'll receive instructions on how to care for treated areas and schedule follow-up visits for continued treatment or periodontal maintenance. For periodontal maintenance, the hygienist will ensure your comfort, perform a cleaning similar to a prophylaxis, but deeper under the gum line. This shouldn't hurt because, by this point, the disease is under control, and your gums are healthier.

Can a dental cleaning damage teeth?

The answer is no. The tools we use are proven to be safe and effective. We are gentle when cleaning and polishing your teeth, which helps improve their appearance and health. Cleanings do not damage teeth. Occasionally, a loose filling may come out during cleaning, but this is not due to the cleaning itself. The filling could dislodge while eating as well. If fillings popped out during every cleaning, everyone would constantly need replacements. Dental cleaning is a safe procedure, practiced for many years, and you should have no problems undergoing it. Your teeth will remain healthy and intact.

How do I schedule my cleaning?

Simply call us at (941) 269-1332, and we'll happily schedule your appointment. When you come in, we'll set up your next appointment and provide reminders via phone calls, ensuring you know the date and time of your visit.

I hope the information I've provided has clarified any questions you might have had. If you have additional questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to call us at (941) 269-1332. Here at Olean Dental, we are eager to help you and your loved ones.