What exactly are aligners?

One of the questions that I get asked is, what are clear aligners? Clear aligners are like invisible braces, they're made for your own teeth. They're trays placed on the top and bottom teeth, and they get replaced every 10 days or two weeks until all the movements of the teeth have been achieved. After that, we just have to wear retainers, which are similar but only worn at night. Clear aligners give you a nice and beautiful smile without having metal in your mouth. They're made with clear material, are removable, very cleansable, and easy to get used to.

Does it hurt when you have these in?

Another question that I get is, does it hurt? Well, the answer is, it might be a little bit uncomfortable when you get them placed for the first few days because your teeth are not used to having that pushing on them. You might experience a little bit of pain for the first few days, but it's not an unbearable type of pain, and it's something that your body will get used to. As you replace the trays, they might be tight for the first couple of days, and then you just get used to it again. It's not a painful process, but yes, it has some mild pain involved for a couple of days.

Is it any more expensive than regular braces?

Another question that I get asked is, is this more expensive than regular braces? The answer is, it depends where you go. It depends on the area and whether you get it done at a general dentist's office or a specialist. In our office, we charge about $4,200 for the whole treatment, while in my area, a specialist might charge about $6,000. So, there is a big price difference. I don't do braces, so I wouldn't be able to tell you how much I would charge for braces, but if you reach out to a specialist, they'll be able to tell you. I think it's about the same as braces, but I couldn't say for sure.

Are there any eating restrictions?

One of the questions that people ask a lot is, are there any eating restrictions? Is there something that I cannot eat with them? The answer is, you're supposed to be using those clear aligners for the majority of the time during the day. You should have them in your mouth for at least 22 hours out of a 24-hour period. That leaves you a couple of hours a day to eat. Basically, you just have them in your mouth and if you're going to eat something, you take them out, eat, brush, and then put them back in. You're not supposed to leave them out and spend hours without them in your mouth because the idea is that they're working to move your teeth. You can eat whatever you want as long as the aligners are outside of your mouth.

Are teenagers able to wear it?

Another question that I get, especially from parents, is can teenagers wear this? The answer is, yes, they can. Like any other type of orthodontic treatment, teenagers need to be on top of oral hygiene, because that's an age when many teenagers don't brush or floss regularly. It's crucial for the success of any treatment, especially clear aligners, that the teenager is aware they need to brush every time they eat before putting the aligners back in place. They also need to floss more because the aligners hold saliva on top of the teeth, and if they're not brushing and flossing, they can get more decay. So, oral hygiene becomes a priority, and at that point, anybody can wear them.

Why would somebody want these aligners from a dentist versus something like SmileDirect that they can get through online?

Another question that I get asked is, why would I do this with a dentist instead of just getting them online on a platform where it's cheaper? The answer is, you want to make sure that your oral health is taken care of properly. Yes, you might be able to do it online for less money, but you wouldn't have access to specialized attention. If something arises, like a cavity or a tooth not moving the right way, where do you go then? I've had several patients come to me after doing their treatment online, and it's sad to see the issues that could have been avoided by going to someone who knows how to do this type of treatment. In order to get better results and maintain excellent oral health, it's best to go to a general dentist trained in this or an orthodontist, who is a specialist in moving teeth. This way, you avoid future issues and ensure your overall health is also taken care of.